Happy half birthday Aidan


My little man turned six months yesterday and it’s hard to believe that in just a few months I will need to start planning his first birthday party. He is growing so beautifully and has become such a social butterfly. Alyssa is already his favorite playmate and she has him giggling and babbling all the time. He still wakes up once or twice during the night but goes back down quite quickly. I am REALLY hoping that he will begin to sleep through the night within the next few months. I read that once protein is introduced to his meals (which I have just done this week) , it should keep him fuller for longer and hopefully that will aid him to sleep longer stretches during the night. Fingers crossed. Continue reading

My Maternity Leave Must-haves 

Oh, all the plans I had for my maternity leave….All the places I was going to visit. All the series I was going to watch while my Aidan napped peacefully in his cot and Alyssa played quietly… Yeah right!

With just a few weeks left of my maternity leave ( sob sob) I thought I would share some of the things which have made my time at home with the kids so much cosier and kept me sane! Continue reading



I spent my Saturday morning with the best Mommy Bloggers in Cape Town! Cindy Alfino from 3 Kids 2 Dogs 1 House was the organizer and  host of the meet up and done an AMAZING job! We met at Graze in Kenilworth – such an awesome venue – I’m definitely going back with my family very soon. They have the most fabulous kiddies menu ever and their Grilled ham and cheese, poached egg and mushroom sauce breakfast is just heavenly. Continue reading

Bundle Box review


I absolutely love the concept of Bundle Box by the Babygroup. Designed for the needs of new moms with products to make life a little bit easier during your pregnancy and in baby’s first year, the goodies in each box are handpicked to your specific needs.

This would be a way for a new mom to try products and see which ones work for her without the commitment of buying a large quantity. It would also be a way for new moms to find options they hadn’t even thought of yet!

I was lucky enough to receive a box to review this month, which consisted of 3 great products. The box arrived with cute packaging and filled with products that I would actually use. Continue reading